Nubia Z40 Pro Magnetic Charging Unveiled Through Warm-up Video

Nubia Z40 Pro Magnetic Charging

Nubia Z40 Pro Magnetic Charging

With the development of smartphones over the past few years there have been various breakthroughs in charging methods, but like the iPhone, magnetic charging so far Android camp has not yet, but soon there will be.

Nubia Z40 Pro Magnetic Charging

Today, Nubia cell phone official microblogging brought its flagship new machine Z40 Pro magnetic charging warm-up, the official said, “Flash touch second suction, no fear of blind charging Nubia Z40 Pro, the first Android true-magnetic phone. February 25, 14:00, charging posture breakthrough again.”

As you can see from the picture, the Nubia Z40 Pro’s magnetic charging is achieved by adding metal coils and various configurations to the battery, and the difficulty of the process should not be little. After the release the day after tomorrow, the machine will become the first original magnetic charging phone in the Android camp, and the first magnetic charging phone equipped with the Snapdragon 8 Gen1 chip.

Another configuration, the machine in the rear lens this time the main push is the exclusive custom 35mm portrait photography focal length, in portrait photography should have a good performance, officially called the image flagship milestone.

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