Lu Weibing Point Out Difficulties of Carrying 120W Fast Charging Note11 Pro+

Lu Weibing Point Out Difficulties of Carrying 120W Fast Charging Note11 Pro+

Difficulties of Carrying 120W Fast Charging Note11 Pro+

On the evening of October 28, Redmi held a new product launch, officially launching the new Redmi Note11 series of phones. Among them, the Redmi Note11 Pro+ is equipped with 120W wired fast charging, which officially claims that it only takes a quarter of an hour to fill the whole phone.

Redmi Note11 Pro+ 120W Fast Charging Test

Recently, Lu Weibing also took to social media to share a few of the difficulties of carrying 120W fast charging. In simple terms, the choice of 120W fast charging has three major difficulties, respectively, technical difficulties, high costs, and supply shortages.

The current 120W requires a dual-cell solution, two cells, two charging chips, both to ensure good heat dissipation, but also to keep the body thin and light, the technical architecture is very complex. For the cost of battery fast charging, it is necessary to involve the motherboard, battery, charger, and data line, and other four aspects, each of which requires a higher cost increase.

In addition, this year, the supply of fast-charging chips can not keep up, and even increase the price can not buy, this time Redmi used, or a phone with two 67w charging chips. The Redmi Note is the first of its kind in the world.

The Redmi Note 11 Pro+ has achieved a rare 120W full-featured fast charge at the same price point, but whether it will be recognized by more users will require users to speak with actual action.


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