Steve Job’s Email Confirms iPhone Nano was in Plan

iPhone Nano

Remember the iPod Nano? This MP3 player, which combines the features of iPod Shuffle and iPod Mini, was released in 2005 and quickly replaced iPod Mini. The global popularity of the iPod nano started rumors that Apple was working on the so-called iPhone Nano, which was smaller and cheaper than the iPhone 4 at the time.

But the ending is also known until the iPod nano was listed as an antique and obsolete products list, Apple also never released the ultra-small phone, but a recent revelation shows that Apple did have this intention at that time.

According to The Verge, an email from Apple founder Steve Jobs dated October 24, 2010, was revealed during Epic’s lawsuit against Apple, confirming that Apple did consider launching the iPhone Nano. It was said that the iPod Nano had just launched its sixth generation, which was welcomed by the global Apple fans, and Jobs then discussed with his colleagues the feasibility of the iPhone Nano. However, for some unknown reasons, the machine was not launched and the plan was dead.

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